Celebrating National Mentoring Month 2025: David Miles’ Story
For people with disabilities, peer mentors can drastically shape their view of the future — revealing that life with a disability can be full of joy and fulfillment. In celebration of National Mentoring Month in 2025, we’re spotlighting the story of a Paraquad peer mentor, David Miles.
5 Fitness Goals to Reach in Paraquad’s Gym for People with Disabilities
Physical fitness comes in many forms — realistically, it’s best to begin with a goal in mind. Read on for our top five fitness goals to reach at the Stephen A. Orthwein Center, Paraquad’s gym for people with disabilities.
Celebrating in the Hospital on Christmas, Hanukkah and Beyond
Having an unexpected hospital stay is challenging any day of the year — but it’s especially hard around the holidays. Read on for Paraquad’s tips for celebrating in the hospital on Christmas, Hanukkah and beyond.
5 Tips for Hosting an Inclusive Holiday Gathering
Plenty of planning goes into any holiday gathering. However, families of someone with a disability may have to make additional accommodations so that all feel welcome.
Paraquad’s CDS Program: The 4 Values of at Home Personal Care Services
Paraquad’s CDS program bases our practices around an independent living philosophy, creating value in each participant's life.
Paraquad’s Accessible Missouri Voters Guide
The Paraquad team compiled this Missouri voters guide regarding accessibility and voting issues. Dive in to learn how and why you should vote in the presidential election on November 5, 2024.
How to Be Disability Allies During and After National Disability Employment Awareness Month
During National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), we celebrate the value workers with disabilities add to our workplaces. More than that, we use the month of October as an opportunity to raise awareness around equitable workplace practices — and, hopefully, encourage workplaces to strengthen their commitment to being disability allies.
Paraquad’s Guide to Digital Accessibility
The Paraquad team created the following guide to answer one question: What is digital accessibility and why is it important?
5 Positive Depictions of Disability in the Media
Though nearly 1 billion people worldwide have a disability, TV and movie characters who realistically depict a disability in the media are few and far between. Read on to see a few positive examples of characters with disabilities on both the big and small screen!
Teaching Adaptive Budgeting to Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
Adults who have intellectual disabilities may need assistance with their budget, but with guidance and adaptive budgeting, they’ll gain a sense of financial empowerment.
Disability Support Groups at Paraquad
Living with a disability is something that you can only understand from lived experiences. Paraquad’s disability support groups offer social support — each session is a place where you can feel like you belong.
Meet Medicaid Ambassador Everlene Falconer
“Having Medicaid available to me helped in ways no one will ever understand. Without it I probably would not be around to tell this story.”
Share Your Medicaid Story: Constance Phillips-Gray
“Medicaid is the only health insurance program that many of us can afford. The health and safety of my family depends on my access to the medicines and therapies that I need. Missouri must keep the Medicaid program strong.”
Paraquad’s Medicaid Ambassadors Program
Paraquad’s Medicaid Ambassadors Program shares stories and experiences of Missouri Medicaid plans and how you can get involved.
Arm and Hand Rehabilitation with the Armeo®Power
The Stephen A. Orthwein Center offers multiple different machines for arm and hand rehabilitation, including the Armeo®Power. Learn more about rehabilitation exercises with this powerful machine.
Paraquad’s Guide to Traveling with a Disability
Planning accessible vacations may involve added considerations. Before we hit peak travel season, the Paraquad team broke down a few things to think about when traveling with a disability.
What is Adaptive Clothing?
Adaptive clothing offers people with disabilities the chance to supplement their style with comfortable, easy-to put-on features.
Understanding Wrongful Termination Due to a Disability
Learn more about disability rights and resources, employee expectations and signs of wrongful termination due to a disability.
Disability Equality: 4 Federal Laws Protecting People with Disabilities
Federal law protects our rights in day-to-day life, and this extends to people with disabilities. True disability equality relies on protections that are already in place.
Paraquad’s Adult Continuing Education Classes
Paraquad’s adult Continuing Education classes provide an outlet to develop independent living skills.