Share Your Medicaid Story: Constance Phillips-Gray
When it comes to advocacy, we have always found strength in numbers. Paraquad believes that with each new story we share, our influence grows stronger. Read on to learn more about Constance Phillips-Gray’s experience with Paraquad’s Medicaid Ambassador Program.
Written by Constance Phillips-Gray
I have been independent financially for many years, holding a job since I was 16 years old and having my own place at 19. It took several months for me to apply for Medicaid. I was ashamed that I wasn't able to take care of myself nor my children's health care expenses. I had always been blessed before to hold health insurance through my employers.
January 2021 changed my life forever. I was diagnosed with Bipolar I Manic Disorder. This diagnosis was scary because I had never dealt with a mental disability. My grandfather was a double amputee so you could see his disability with the natural eye. Having a mental disability isn't the same. It is hidden to the naked eye. During a manic state, I quit a job that was paying $50,000 plus per year. After the episode, coming to the realization that I didn't have a job was totally mind-blowing.
Several months went by and I was still unemployed. My previous employer didn't want to rehire me. So that put me in an even more depressed state. In April 2021, things were looking up and I was back working, but remotely from home. The bad thing for me and my mental state at the time was sitting in the house. I literally dreaded going to my living room to work.
I stuck it out and was offered a position with a law firm in St. Louis, and I was elated. This position was paying more than $20,000 per year more than I was making. I started the position in August, but two weeks later I was let go because “I didn't seem to be a team player.” Little did they know, I was suffering daily to just get out of bed to shower.
This was the first time in my life where I wasn't financially and mentally sound. I had to lean on family and friends to take care of my basic needs. Prior to my diagnosis, I always made too much money to qualify for financial assistance. Due to the unforeseen circumstance, I was now dependent upon Medicaid to provide my medications.
Medicaid is the only health insurance program that many of us can afford. The health and safety of my family depends on my access to the medicines and therapies that I need. Missouri must keep the Medicaid program strong.
Ready to become one of Paraquad’s Medicaid Ambassadors? Contact Jeanette Mott Oxford at or give us a call at 314-289-4303.