Youth Transition
Ages: 14 to 24 years old
Our Transition Services
Youth Transition Programs for Students with Disabilities
Ages: 14 to 24 years old
Transitioning into adulthood can be a scary time for youth and their families. Thinking about the future and stepping into adulthood can be challenging for all parties involved. As young people who have disabilities get older, many families start the search for transition programs for students with disabilities near them.
Paraquad can help make this time exciting and fun! Youth Transition should be a time when youth can explore their options and find their own path to adulthood with support from their family and community. During the transitional planning process, youth need to start making their own life decisions. Deciding whether to further their education after high school or start seeking employment opportunities, where and with whom they want to live as well as how they will address all their daily living tasks. Our transition curriculum for students with disabilities is very tailored to meet individual needs. It is essential for youth to have ongoing encouragement from their family during this formative period of their lives.
Youth transition programs for students with disabilities should take place between the ages of 14 to 21 years. We encourage youth to be a part of this process along with support and encouragement from the youth specialist and the youth’s family. Working together, youth will be thinking about transitional planning — including potential employment options, if they want to further their education, where to live, their transportation needs and many other things dealing with transitioning into adulthood. It is the youth’s time to dream and hopefully make some of their dreams a reality.
For more information on our transition curriculum for students with disabilities, or to join one of the Paraquad Youth & Family Programs, contact Stephanie McDowell at 314-289-4265 or smcdowell@paraquad.org.